Gods Plan for the Church in the last days

God’s plan for the church in the last days. In order for God to be just in the whole settlement of gathering together those who will be part of the new heaven and earth, He must deal with Lucifer, the angels and the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It was 1/3 of the angels that fell. Lucifer was the highest angel in heaven and he was not satisfied that God created people in his image, as male and female. It challenged him and 1/3 of the angels. God showed about this and he had laid a plan in his greatness. God is all-powerful and has every opportunity to do this in his wisdom and love. There was a riot in heaven. God showed about this and therefore He had a plan to solve this. He didn’t want this potential in heaven in the future and had to deal with it fairly now. God had created Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden as perfect creatures in the Garden of Eden. Here they could unfold themselves in the perfect world that God had given them. They could eat from everything that was there except from the tree of knowledge. 1 Mos.3,1-13 But Lucifer transformed himself into a snake and tricked the woman Eve into eating from an apple from the tree of knowledge, she told Adam that he must taste and he did. Man fell out of the spiritual creation in the Garden of Eden and was cast out of the garden. They discovered that they were naked and God had to clothe them in the skin of an animal that had to die. This pointed forward to Jesus Christ who was His only son and who was to die for mankind. God had a plan in which has given Lucifer a mandate to seduce as many people as possible. The god of this world became Lucifer or Satan.The devil does not explain out loud what he is doing and all the people on earth still believe that it is God who does all things. We see it from the perspective of our human emotions and understanding, which in turn are characterized by when and where we come from. In this way he seduces people into believing that it is God who rules the whole world, when he is. Portrays God in a bad light. We have been brainwashed over thousands of years to believe this. Why do we have different religions? Different tongues? Yes, because God has a plan for everything and He intervenes and controls everything in Agape love, which is His essence. Humans came under the curse of the flesh and needed God’s salvation. That is why he sent his son to die for our sins, on the cross, so that we would have eternal life. John.3,16, He brought Agape love into the world again through our new birth in our spirit by the Holy Spirit. John. 3:3 
We are all tricked into believing that God is responsible for all the misery. The truth is that the devil is behind it. He has been given a mandate in this whole situation and does not say that he is behind the misery, but lets everyone believe that it is God. We are tempted to believe that it is normal to find our life in this new world. It’s actually about surviving by doing your own thing. Suddenly everything has come under impermanence where one’s own deeds must be done in order to survive. In the Garden of Eden, God had finished everything and we could walk in finished works. This is restored by Jesus’ death on the cross, being born again, to live the new life led by the Holy Spirit. Agape love. 
God has given the devil a mandate right up to the 70 year week in Daniel in Israel where he will break the covenant he has made with Israel and end the sacrifice in the Temple after 3.5 years and sit up in the temple and call himself god of this world. Here comes the mark of the beast. No one can buy or sell without it. 
God does everything in a spiritual dimension of his own and it is eternal. Man fell out of the eternal state and became temporal. 

+ When one does not understand this context, one ends up with seduction in the flesh’s understanding of salvation which can lead to self-defence, weapons and uniforms. God is love Agape and he sent his son to die for our sins. Jesus did not have weapons, Paul did not have weapons, the Apostles did not have weapons, Stephen did not have weapons. They surrendered their lives to God in martyrdom. They had been born again in the Spirit after Jesus’ death on the cross. The whole theme of the New Testament is charity. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. We are told to turn the other cheek if we are beaten. Here it is important not to fall into the ditch on the other side of the road. Many people are being persecuted for their faith in the world today. Jesus prepared us for this. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you. 

God wants all people to be saved. And this gospel of salvation will be preached to all nations as a testimony and then the end will come. Today there are almost 4 billion people who have not heard the gospel about what Jesus did for us on the cross. 

Who do we want to believe? 

Let’s put the human aside and live the spiritual life Jesus provided by his death for our sins and the opportunity to be born again in the spirit by the Holy Spirit. Here God’s Word is the guideline for all spiritual life. Jesus said: I am the way the truth and the life. John.14:6 But it is important that we understand the gospel with our new life in the spirit not in the old man. 

God is gathering His people today for a new heaven and earth. 

Do you want to join? 

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